So here we are again, at the start of another lockdown. We all suspected it was coming, but it seemed to arrive rather suddenly. For those of you living on your own, I can only imagine how hard it must be, and I really feel for you.
Whenever something bad happens to me, or something scares me, I try to put the situation in perspective. I think we are incredibly lucky to live in this country, and in East Anglia in particular, which has one of the lowest rates of Covid-19 in the UK at the moment. I can barely contemplate what refugees are going through right now, especially those with children. Their plight is simply heartbreaking.
This time will pass, and if we are careful and considerate we will get through it. Things will change, as they always do, but change can be an opportunity for new beginnings. One of the best things to come out of all this unsettling news is that people are realising it’s people and communities that matter the most.
I hope that communities, neighbours, families and friends will be stronger, and we will be more resilient as a nation, after this pandemic. Consideration, kindness and care are blossoming in a big way at the moment. Show a quiet acceptance of the situation, and have gratitude for your good health, your home, and a chance to learn to enjoy your own company; this in turn will make you stronger as an individual and stronger in a relationship.