“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.” Oscar Wilde certainly had an ear for a good quotation, didn’t he? He’s absolutely right, though.

If you don’t perceive yourself as ordinary, it’s much easier for other people to see the unique magic that only you can bring to the world! It can be so hard when your self-esteem is low, but it’s vitally important to remember that the more you love yourself, the more a partner will love you back.
How can you start to treat yourself like the extraordinary person you are? Make an effort to look good, even when you’re at home; take pride in your appearance. Take more notice of the little things, and do them mindfully and consciously: eat well, sleep well and move well.
Remember that the past year has been incredibly challenging for absolutely everybody! Once we’re allowed to get out and about again, all the other single people are going to be making up for lost time… you need to be out there among them, starting conversations! It’s only a matter of time now until we get back to some semblance of normality.
In the meantime, keep reminding yourself that you’re unique, you’re extraordinary and you bring things to the world that no one else can.