Your’re dating , you need to take care of yourself .

Every Friday, I’ll be offering you some dating advice or guidance based on my years of experience. This week, here’s a little reminder about the importance of your skin… It’s so important to love the skin you’re in. Although we’re frequently told that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, looks are still really important. […]

The food of love…

Before I started Catalyst Matchmaking, I put on dinner dating events for three years; this taught me a great deal about people. I learnt that 99% of the singles I meet are lovely, genuine and kind. You are all so different; no one is the same, not even nearly the same! Of course, finding a […]

Seven ways in which matchmaking is better than online dating

My friend and colleague, dating expert James Preece, explains how and why using a matchmaker is preferable to using one of the many online dating sites… Online dating can be a tricky thing to manoeuvre. There are seemingly endless dating websites and apps, and they generally require you to craft a clever profile that draws […]

Some exciting developments!

Hi everybody, I hope you’re keeping well. Although we continue to go through a really testing time, I’ve been very busy preparing for the launch of Catalyst Matchmaking. Firstly, I’m delighted to announce the launch of my new website at It’s been a long time in the making, and the coronavirus outbreak (more of […]

Catalyst Matchmaking